Each year members of the Inner Circle research various organizations we feel are possible candidates for financial support. After nine months of research, members submit their organizational choices.
Final nominations occur during our Annual Meeting in October.
After a healthy and thorough discussion, we vote and selections are made.
To date, approximately $213,000 has been pledged or distributed!
NEW Funding Methods
Before 2024, our only funding method was providing one check to organizations selected for a specific year. Once the checks were written and mailed, the Inner Circle would then turned it sights on researching new organizations for the following year. We were never pleased with that process.
In 2024, the Initiative began "piloting" three (3) new funding methods - all designed to provide a more sustainable outcome to selected organizations.
Endowment Funds - The Initiative provides matching dollars to those organizations willing to establish an Endowment Fund. Selected organizations will develop fundraisers in order to receive our additional funding. Once an Endowment Fund is established, organizations can begin annual withdrawals of up to 5% of the Fund's value. It is hoped the Fund's value will grow over time, thus providing for a more long-term/sustainable funding resource.
Matching Funds - The organization agrees to fundraise for our matching dollars. This is different than an endowment fund since the money raised and matched can be spent immediately.
Donating to previously selected organizations - For specific projects or future growth.
Click the date below to discover which organizations were nominated and selected for financial support.